Wednesday 21 September 2011

ITAX Incorporated on 21-09-2011.

ITAX Academic Simulation - Final Result for Round I:

A: (The First) GRAND INVESTOR - Mr. Mohan Chakradhar
B: (The First) Winner of Virtual Market - Mr. Chakradhar
C: (The First) Winner of ITAX Market - Mr. Nikhil Shrivastava
D: (The First) Most Active Trader (MAT_F, Female) - Ms. Shikha Sharma
E: (The First) Most Active Trader (MAT_M, Male) - Mr. Pawan Upadhyay

ITAX Academic Simulation - Preliminary analysis report for the first round by N_Corp :

 ITAX Academic Simulation rate charts for the first round:

ITAX launches IAS - ITAX Academic Simulation

To know more about the project inception and the intricacies; please visit our presentations section and go through the ITAX presentation.

Message by Mukesh Kumar, the ITC (Investment & Trading Coordinator)

Investment and Trading Activity Exchange, ITAX, has been created for those, who are interested in learning stock market and knowing daily movements of market.

Virtual accounts of these guys will be created and they will be informed about the daily movements of the market. Please send the request to join the group if you are Interested so that teams can be conveniently created :

Very interested candidates will be mentored on technical and fundamental analysis of the stocks . our session will be divided into 20 modules based on two widely recognized books.


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